推广 热搜: 干粉砂浆  外墙外保温  外保温  外墙保温  干混砂浆 


2015-12-13 18060 0.45M 0

刘光华1 张进生2


摘要:高铝水泥在干粉砂浆中,具有促凝和膨胀特性,因此,用量日益增加,但对其耐久性了解甚少。本文综合了相关文献资料,叙述了高铝水泥和 硅酸盐水泥混合物,因反应形成水化钙黄长石而具有良好的耐久性,同时,还叙述了与石灰石反应形成水化碳铝酸钙;与Ca(OH)2,CaSO4,反应形成钙 矾石对耐久性的影响。


Abstract: In dry-mixed mortar, High Alumina Cement can accelerate setting and has expand property, so its demand is increasing, but we know little about the durability. This article consolidates concerned literatures, and narrates a mixture of High Alumina Cement and Portland Cement, this mixture has good durability because the two cements reacted to form gehlenite hydrate. Besides, this paper descripts High Alumina Cement react with limestone to form calcium carboaluminate hydrate and react with Ca(OH)2 and CaSO4to form ettringite and the influence to durability under this two conditions.

Key words: dry-mixed mortar; high alumina cement; Portland cement; gehlenite hydrate calcium carboaluminate hydrate; ettringite; durability upload_2015-10-6_22-27-38.png
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